Kroc youth dev. vector art

Educating the Adults of Tomorrow

The Kroc Center is committed to building a strong community, and that starts with educating the adults of tomorrow. The Kroc’s youth programs combine developmental learning, mentorship, team building and more in a fun atmosphere where kids will feel comfortable learning, being active and making new friends.

Sarah Steinkamp

Youth Programs Coordinator

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out! We look forward to seeing you soon! 

217-231-5667 | [email protected]

Youth Programs Forms & Applications

Young girl going down the slide at a playground
girl going down big red pool slide
young boy climbing a rock wall
KROC Academy Logo

After-School Program

Mon-Fri, 3–6pm

Kroc Member – $75/week
Non Member – $90/week

CITs receive 50% off

After-school transportation provided
for Quincy area schools. Please select
the correct route when registering.

Route 1 – St. Francis, St. James, Denman
Route 2 – Jr. High, Rooney
Route 3 – Blessed Sacrament, Iles
Route 4 – Baldwin, Mendon Elementary, Parent Drop-Off

Take the home out of homework! The Kroc Center takes after-school care to a whole new level! Children enjoy exceptional homework assistance, snack, free play, a planned activity, and time in our interactive game room. Open to grades K–6th and 7–12th (CITs).

Always supervised! Kroc Academy provides new and exciting experiences that encourage children to be lifelong learners committed to exploring the world around them! Activities includes:

Mon – Mystery Monday
Tues – S.T.E.A.M.
Wed – Bible lesson
Thurs – Sports and Fitness
Fri – Swimming and Glow Night

Quincy after school care young girl smiling
School's Out Day Camp Logo
Open to grades K–6th and 7–12th (CITs)

Day Camp

When school’s NOT in session!

School’s Out Day Camp (SODC) is a Christian day camp that gives children the opportunity to engage in fun-filled activities in a safe and positive environment. The Kroc Center’s SODC promotes the development of the whole child through structured group activities to improve socialization and boost self-confidence.

Snack served | Pack a sack lunch.

Always supervised!


2024 DATES
Dec 23, 26, 27, 30

2025 DATES
Feb 14 (1/2 day), 17
Mar 13, 14, 17, Apr 21

-Aquatic Center
-Ledge Game Room
-Engaging Bible Story

Kroc Member

Non Members

Camp Kroc logo
Open to campers grades K–6th and 7–12th (CITs)

Summer Day Camp

2025 Dates TBA

Summer is back and better than ever! Camp Kroc offers a safe and loving Christ-centered environment to learn and grow in. Campers LOVE the new experiences, lasting friendships, and lifetime memories made each year. 

-Supervised by trained day camp staff
-Free summer lunch program and snack
-Aquatic Center, gym, and interactive game room
-Hands-on learning
-Parks and field trips
-Engaging Bible lesson
-Camp games, music lessons, and much more!

Camp Kroc Crocodile Cartoon Character
Scholarships and discounts available.

Kroc Member

Non Members


Discounts & Scholarships
  • 15% discount for 3 or more children
  • Limited scholarships available for those that do not qualify through West Central Child Care Connection. A scholarship form is to be completed and will be reviewed by a committee to determine approval or denial.
  • The Kroc Center is a provider for the State of Illinois. Those that financially qualify may apply through WCCCC, placing The Kroc Center as the provider in the application. Applications are to be returned to WCCCC.
How to Register

Parents and guardians must purchase the first week in person at The Kroc Center to complete the paperwork. Additional weeks can be purchased online by clicking here.

Camp Kroc Statement of Belief

The Camp Kroc program provides children of all ability levels the opportunity to play and grow in a positive and safe environment. We strive to develop the whole child, mentally, physically and emotionally through structured group activities that aid in socialization, character development, and increased self–worth.

Camp Kroc is proud of our inclusive environment, one that strives to accommodate every child. No child will, on the basis of race, color, religious belief, national origin or gender, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any Salvation Army program or activity.

In an effort to fully embrace inclusion and acceptance of all, we believe that every child can:

-make friends
-participate and get involved
-develop new skills and interests
-be successful and gain confidence
-make decisions and solve problems
-assume leadership roles

Click here to see the full Guardian Guide.

Behavior Expectations

Our programs strive to offer every child, regardless of ability, the opportunity to participate in recreational activities that are both fun and educational, providing campers with the chance to learn new skills, foster relationships, and build self-confidence. Our staff work to create a positive environment that is free from discrimination or other factors that may prohibit campers from having an enjoyable or safe experience at The Kroc Center. 

Every child deserves to have a positive experience at The Kroc Center, free from peer pressure, excessive negativity, and any other behavior that unfavorably affects his/her self-esteem and/or ability to fully participate in activities. We take bullying, of any kind, very seriously. Staff members are trained in utilizing constructive discipline techniques to create a positive environment that welcomes growth and learning. Our perspective on discipline is to teach not punish as we strive for the children to learn.

With each new camper that joins Camp Kroc, staff members and campers discuss the rules and expectations of the program as we believe in a proactive and preventative approach. All rules and expectations are posted in the Green Room and used to create an environment that fosters openness, respect, and fun as children thrive creatively within a structured system. 

Click here to see the Guardian Guide for Disciplinary Progression.

Camp Kroc Rules

Rules are very important because they guide the way the whole group interacts and plays together. The rules for Camp Kroc are simple for the campers to remember; however, more specific rules can be easily incorporated into our four designated rules.

  1. Love Others
    John 15:12 says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” This rule sets a precedence to come at every situation or to every individual with love. It teaches that we are all deserving and worthy of giving or receiving love. Children hear the message of, “You are loved. You are good. You are enough.” This allows the children to value others with kindness, respect, honor, and compassion.
  2. Be Safe
    This rule adds needed structure to the entire group to help protect campers from injuries; as well as, allow us to care for the camper in a direct way due to campers hearing the message, “You are safe. You will be taken care of.” Keeping this rule prominent in our groups, helps us establish a caring environment for our campers.
  3. Stay Together
    This rule helps to keep all of the campers engaged with each other while focusing on the here and now. It also provides the important message of, “You are important and connected to this group.” Staying together helps the camper feel noticed and valued because there is talk about missing a camper that is absent or not starting an activity until every camper is ready. This allows each camper to know that they will not be forgotten or excluded.
  4. Have Fun
    We want our campers to just have fun because it brings joy to their lives and allows their experiences to be more impactful. Joy gives us the opportunity to connect while building relationships, overcoming challenges, and gaining new experiences. This makes the experiences of Camp Kroc lasting and far-reaching. This also gives campers the message that their feelings and happiness are important.
What to Bring

Campers should be prepared for active play. Campers are required to wear socks and closed-toed shoes. Outside snaps, buttons, or ties are not recommended as they may catch during play. Skirts or dresses inhibit movement and are discouraged. Please send a child in clothing and footwear that they can put on without assistance. Campers go outside daily, please include a labeled bag, water bottle, and sunblock.

Field Trips
To attend an off-campus field trip, campers are required to wear a Camp Kroc t-shirt, socks, and closed-toe shoes every Friday. Campers without the appropriate attire will stay at The Kroc Center in The Ledge with the game room attendant. They will rejoin their small group upon return. Camp Kroc t-shirts will be distributed beginning the first week of Camp Kroc on a first-come, first-serve basis. Specific sizes may not be available. If this shirt is lost, you may wear an already owned or purchase a new Camp Kroc t-shirt from a previous year for $5 while supplies last. Contact the coordinator and specialist for this transaction.

Campers will have the opportunity to utilize the Aquatic Center and Splash Pad Monday through Friday. Pack a labeled swim bag, swimsuit, and towel. Campers may bring their own goggles or ear plugs. Campers without the necessary items will be in The Ledge with the game room attendant in lieu of swimming.

Campers should bring a labeled backpack or bag to carry all of their belongings and to bring their projects back home. Bags will be hung on the coat rack in the Green Room Hallway next to the Worship Theater.  

Sack Lunch & Water Bottle
Bring a labeled sack lunch when the FREE Summer Lunch Program is not in session or if you prefer a meal different from what is scheduled that day. The monthly lunch menu gets pinned at the top of the Kroc Youth Development Facebook Group for easy reference. The school only offers substitutes out of medical necessity. A doctor’s note is required to receive the alternative food or drink. 

Click here to see the Guardian Guide for a list of what NOT to bring.

Counselor in Training Logo

Counselor in Training

Calling all youth interested in enriching your days and being a part of an unforgettable experience!

Counselors in Training (CITs) will receive all of the benefits that come with the program as well as hands-on training, mentoring, and leadership development.

Limited CIT positions available.
Open to grades 7th–12th

Submit your registration for review. Approved CIT applicants will receive a call with more information.

50% OFF:
Kroc Academy
School’s Out Day Camp
Camp Kroc

Kids playing video games

The Ledge Game Room

Welcome to The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center’s FREE interactive game room, The Ledge! The Ledge is designed as a positive space for our community. Our goal is to be a safe place that offers engagement, connection, and opportunity. We are dedicated to welcoming all and displaying the love of Jesus Christ. Our game room provides guests of all ability levels the chance to play and grow in a welcoming, encouraging, and friendly environment. We strive to develop the whole person, mentally, physically, and emotionally through activities that aid in reinforcing socialization, sportsmanship, self-worth, and respect. Hours vary. Click for details.

The Ledge is proud of its inclusive environment that strives to accommodate every guest. 


• Sign in on the check-in sheet

• Be entered in at the Kiosk

• Complete an annual waiver

General Game Room Policies

Age Requirement

Guests must be at least 12 years old to use The Ledge without a parent/guardian present. Children younger than 12 must have a relative (i.e. sibling or parent) 15 or older supervising them. Parent supervision is not required for members with children 8-11 years old, these children must check-in at the Control Desk and receive an arm band. The parent/guardian is required to stay in the facility. Parents with younger children, without available supervision, are encouraged to look into options at Huck’s Hideout.


As this is a family room, clothing with explicit logos or words/sayings will not be permitted. Guests must dress modestly. No swim wear is allowed. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. Guests may only remove shoes while actively playing Eye Play. Socks are required to be worn when playing Eye Play.

Personal Belongings

Roller blades, bikes, and scooters are not allowed in The Kroc Center for any amount of time. All personal belongings, backpacks or gym bags, must be stored out of the way of other guests. Balls of any kind are never allowed to be brought into The Ledge. To grant access, balls must stay outside of The Ledge or be placed in The Ledge closet.


Any guest vandalizing the facility in any manner (kicking, hitting, writing, etc.) will be removed immediately. Guests may also be held financially responsible for any damages.

Equipment Use

Guests who intentionally break game equipment (controllers, etc.) will be charged for the replacement of the equipment and will not be allowed to use The Ledge Game Room until the charges are paid in full.

Snacks & Drinks

Snacks and drinks are permitted in The Ledge in designated areas only. Designated areas include the counter top and the table. No food or drinks near the game systems or on the floor. Please keep the space neat and tidy or use the Café tables outside of the game room. Hands need to be washed prior to resuming play.

Game Rotation

Game rotation is at the discretion of the Youth Development Assistant supervising The Ledge; however, it should appear as fair as possible. Game rotations should only occur when the game room is full. If there are more open games than guests present, rotation is not necessary.

Rotation options include:
• At the end of a race
• After each battle
• Once character has lost/died
• Every 20-minutes with the timer set to ring


Guests must be seated with the controllers to avoid dropping and damaging them. Tipping in chairs is not allowed as it can weaken the legs of the seat. Feet are not allowed on table tops or the counter of the gaming cabinet.

Abusive Behavior

Guests exhibiting abusive behavior, either verbally or physically, toward a fellow guest or employee will be asked to leave the facility immediately. Vulgar language will not be tolerated.  There is to be no horseplay in The Ledge.

Huck’s Hideout Child Watch

Child watch available for ages 6mo – 7 years

One of the benefits of a Kroc Center membership is that we provide a safe environment for your child while you participate in any activity in the facility. Child Watch is first-come, first-served for children 6 months to 7 years. Space is limited. There is a 2 hour limit per child per day, and a 10 hour maximum per week. Adult must remain on site. Members can use this service at no extra charge. Affordable rates are available for Kroc visitors/non-members.

Non-Member Child Watch Rates

Huck’s Hideout Child Watch is available for up to 2 hours per day for ages 6 months – 7 years while parent/guardian is using the facility.

All current members, in good standing, may use the venue for FREE while adhering to the time parameters. Non-member guests may purchase day passes for $6 per child, good for one session up to two hours.

Additional Child Watch Options

In addition to Huck’s Hideout, The Kroc also offers the Ledge Interactive Game Room and Pool Pals.

A White Caucasian Female Smiling While Holding a Baby | Kroc Center Membership
There is a 2 hour limit per child per day, and a 10 hour maximum per week.